Friday, September 24, 2010


My happy pill is back! Definitely happy all day long !! :D :D
Early morning got mac delivery by botak ;D THANK AH !! hehx, breakfast is yummmmmy !!
Really miss my happy pill lahhhh~ No more fieldcamp, WOOHOO ~ ^.^
Afternoon prepared lunch for happy pill & he ate it so happy. lols, I think he sot liao ~ :x
Eat, watched drama & bathed. Sheng Siong for groceries !! Woah, I think the god is TOO HAPPY lah! Botak actually accompanied me to SS ! When we were about to go off, It was raining so heavily can !? I think god is too happy le lah. lols ~ :/
Botak sent me home & I prepared dinner for family & botak went back home to do his own stuffs. Met him at interchange for movie at night! :D
Movie with his brother & 1,2,3,4,5... friends ~

But my neck was so so sour & butt cramp after the movie. -.-"'
Was hungry when watching movie & I told botak about it. hahahah, & he really bought me some snacks from 7-11 !! So sweet of him (:
ice lemon tea + coke + sprite = LIKE SO WEIRD ?!
Back home before 11pm, good girl !! (Y)
Spent more than 12hrs with my happy pill, I confirm happy all day long~ ♥
LOVE YOUUUUU !! Muacks~ ;D
Baby went to find his grandma after he sent me home. All along, I was happy msg-ing with him. When he sae he wanted to stay longer & chat with his grandma, I replied ' orhhhhhh, okok. go talk loh... byeeeeeeee :) '
HAHAHA !! He thought I was angry ! And I decided to play with him. Hmm... ;P
HELLO !? Your girlfriend got so small gas not !? Tsk !!
Don't small see me hor ! :P

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