Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Saturday !! I've been doing revision for these few days. Great to say that, I'm still surviving! LOLS !! 2days left & I'm needed to battle the war. Hope I can win this war! :S

Accounting is a arldy a killer;
Tourism will kill most of my brain cells;
Taxation gonna to be killed by me;

Currently is giving my brain a break. Omg, I have 3modules but I touches on all but not tourism. Shit, die, die, die !!! T.T

Anyway, baby came to find me at my dinner time. lols, he was cute. He didn't press the door bell or call my house. He stood outside the corridoor and wait for someone to notice him. Isn't he cute? hehx, love him lah!

Watched zombie movie to distress & when time's up, baby went for a sleep. His brain and eyes will auto shut & close at latest 10pm. hahahahahas, poor NS boy ):

Found this video.
It's for my lovely; Desmond Chua ♥

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