Sunday, October 10, 2010

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOooooooo ~ I'm back !! :D
Left my blog to rot till now. WONDERFUL. HAHA!
From baby back from field trip, his POP, his bday & his one week holiday... till now.
3weeks of holiday just gone like this. Sadden ttm.
Tomorrow going back to school life & baby is going back to camp le. A private soldier. Not anymore a recuit. hehx! Time really flies.
I celebrated his bday as well. Not a grand one but a simple celebration. Hope he likes everything. haha, I love baking cupcakes as well. Anyone want try some, can ask me. LOLS~
School tmr, got to sleep early le. Omg, life is going back to old way. So sian... I need some new life man !! Can't meet/see baby for this weekdays, so bored lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!
Am now praying for Friday night. hha !! the day where I can see my baby !! :D :D :D

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