Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Woot !! For the past few days, I was chiong-ing watching this drama. Damn exciting de. hahahahaha !! Old actors + young actors = AWESOME drama !! ;D
Should watch this drama, (y)
Now I've watched this drama, now looking for new drama. haha, any recommendation ??
Hmm... ...
Anyway, mama went back m'sia & she left me a damn !@#$ work for me !! And when i'm about to do this, I don't know what to do till the very last min. Tsk !!
& this weather now- RAINING CATS & DOGS, I feel like sleeping. But I can't. So terrible ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ~ -.-
Arghhhhhh, nothing to update le lah!
Oh yaya !! Tomorrow night or Friday morning, I'm able to see my beloved !! ;D ;D
Two young & charming actors that were acting in the drama.
One of them acting the bad & of course another one is the good one lah !
RAYMOND LAM- the good one. (L) (L)
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahha !!!


Also changed blog songs ~ Woooooo~ :D

I'm going mad soon. Seriously. :X

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