Wednesday, August 18, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥

Shall update about today (:
Hehx, I'm making full use of this yog holiday!
I had plan for today.
I have plan for tomorrow.
I'm planning for Friday too. hahahahaha!!! xD
Don't ruin my plannnnnnnnnnn, pls (:
As for today, I woke up damn early although there isn't any school or going down for a morning jog. Decided to wake up early and did laundry and prepared myself breakfast! Tidied the worksheets while watching drama at com & played my facebook games. hahas, call me pro queen~ (:
Lunch, bathed & off to Jp with shorti. Bought out hamster stuffs and find my mama. hahs, mama told me smth interesting. Made me laugh like mad only! :p Roamed ard Jp & bought smth for baby. Messaged baby and made him heart itchy. hahas, fun ;D
Reached home before 6pm and went to try out the new toy for my fatty!!
Fatty's favourite lohhhhh~ But he was like so lazy to play. tsk. Shall try it next time, hehs !
Didn't watch Unriddle just now.
So siannnn, shall watch tmr online ;D
It's another day but I love it!
Just because baby messaged me the whole night !!
Love him~

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