Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sorry, I don't mean it...

my job is only key in items for P.O & idk the amt at all. if you asked me checked abt the price, i dont mind. But why keep asking me the price when I'm not in-charge of it?! "why dont know? Cannot everything dk de..." WTF IS THIS ?! Early in the morning, mood went down down down ~

got affected abit when senior asked me to go over as I didnt not checked some bit stuff. haissss, at that moment I feel like crying. feel like quiting. wthhhhh !!! >;

& i thought when i met up with fatty, i'll be very happy. i can forget everything at office. i just want to ve a good meal with fatty & able to sweet talk with him. or maybe i talked too much... ya, i'm wrong. i've talked too much. too much till lead to quarrel. led to he's angry. doesnt want to eat/talk with me at all..

i kept it inside hard. damn hard. very suffering. & WOAHH ! Too many times. ButI'm feeling better now.

Thanks for your shoulder & accompanied me back home (':

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