Tuesday, January 03, 2012



It's the 3rd day of a new beginning.
New start, start afresh.
Yeahhhh~ (^__*)

Fatty accompanied me almost all of his off-days. Simple life with him, hehe. Celebrated our 33th month anniversary on that day too! It's has been so long I've not be with him on anniversary day... Had a movie at Tampines & to Dakota to have our dinner.

Just a few days spent with him solely, I realised that everything is going so well. How I hope I got a family soon & be tai tai. Hiakhiakhiak :B
Fatty left on Sunday. So not used to it when he left & me so lonely :(

Started to work after 3days of holiday too... So reluctant to wake up, you know? ): Drag myself up is not difficult part, the most difficult was to suffer when I'm working ! Imagine you're trying hard to focus doing work & eyes are literately closing... x,x

Okay, shall head to bed soon. Eyes f-ing tired & so weary now.
Miss my fatty many many <3

OH YA! Isn't those cupcakes look so cute? Nom nom... :p

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