Sunday, November 13, 2011

那些年, 我們一起追的女孩

那些年, 我們一起追的女孩

Great movie!! Some scenes made me think of my stuffs too!! I almost cried towards the ending. Whereby the memories of the 2main leads had before. Also dk why the guy so dumb/slow & why the girl will choose a older man as husband. :/

柯震东(3rd from left) , handsome bodoh! 183cm tall !! xD
He's the same age as me sia. HOHO :b

I spent my weekends wisely & I'm loving you each and everyday (: Fatty gave me a surprise on Sat. Tmd hate him loh. Bluff me that he got activated. End up, activation venue is at my house. TSK! >: Movie at late night & supper before home. Hehe~

Spent my Sunday at home sleeping and fatty playing MU. Shit the game. Want chit-chat also can't !! End up I was spamming his hp. HAHAHAHA, 你曹机巴!Opps! :s
Dinner at Boon Lay Hawker Centre with parents & fatty. <3

Stay tune, muacks!

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