Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm so bored ahhhh, blog is rotting and I'm rotting too... TSK!

Came here to update my blog as my stupid is packing his bag. He pack till so so so slowwwwwwwwww~ Then now he's is peeping what I'm typing. What a kpoh boyfriend. hahahhahaha!

He's booking tonight and tmr school start againnnnn~ TMD sian ah.. ~,~

Anyway, ytd went to meet my shitty to Chinatown for shopping spree. hahahah! Both of us got clothes for oursleves. Hmm.. After that lunch and waited for the stupid to meet us. Stupid reached, shitty went off. Bought some snacks and munched and off to Airport to wait for mama. Popeyes for dinner. Photos taken. Roamed T1 & T3 and sent mama to airport. Hope she's having a great fun there now!! :D

I also wanna go overseas lahhhhhhhhhh ): ):

Arghhhh, stupid is cutting his nails now. So bored sia! TSKKKK!
Gonna play his pokemon before going out to JP later :D

Bye peepo~
New week, new start.
No more emo-ing. lols!

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