Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Either I'm happy or frustrated, I'll bake some cookies or whatever I can. It can really make me forget anything or everything. Just like this cupcakes that I've baked for my baby. The success of baking it with a happy mood. haha! It was my 2nd trial. The sweetness melts my heart. And of course, my baby loves my baking/cooking! (:
When you cook for a person, he/she tastes it & smiling awhile, prasing you or even eat up all food, you will have a sense of satisfaction. Right? haha, I love that feeling lohhhhhh~
Today was a bad day for me. A terrible one. I just don't understand why human are so self-centered. Especially her! Thou she has her OWN reason but shldn't she tell us earlier or smth? Why she love to keep it to herself and let another one to tell us the message. Every of my friends has comment about her. Of course the bad one lah! But non of them want to say one. Just a grouping. It's making some of us so boiling. Boiling till to the extend that I feel like stand up & start quarreling with her. But, what for? No use at all. Now everything is settled. I'm with that fucker's group. If anything is not centralise, I will just die with you. (:
Another bad matter happened to me. It's the third day of school re-open. We got new textbook. & guess what? I got marks given by the book. !@#$% One on the left elbow & one long mark on my right elbow. WTF NOT !? -.-"' Winnie wong is getting more generous by giving me a finger scratches on my elbow. WTFFFFF lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!
气死我了!今天事事都不顺利! >:[
Faster weekend, I want to complain everything again to boyfriend. hahahahahaa !!
Just hope for a better day for tomorrow !! HAIZ !

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