Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hello to October!

It has been a hectic month for me. The very first day of the month was my fatty's 20th bday!!
Was planning smth simple yet surprising. HOHO! And I did it!! Damn happy lah! Memorable day for me & you (:

-Met him at JE mrt.
-Trained down to Bukit Panjang Plaza. (Durian Empire is there as well..So, hehe!)
-Dine-in at Ichiban thou I wanted to bring him for Chinese restaurant...But Idk why... :/
-Simply POP out a cake after he open his present.
I can see him smile widely at that moment.
& I'm contented (:
-Cabbed to his granpa's hse and while waiting for time to pass, watched 'Abduction' . A not bad movie.
-Back to grandpa's hse & celebrated his bday. It's my 2nd time celebrating grandpa's & fatty's!! <3

14th October

Fatty book out early morning 6am. He went home & cooked fish porridge for me!! Photo is at the left. His first time ever cook this porridge. I've tried his VERY first dish was Spaghetti. This time rd is porridge. The freshness of the fish slice & he know I don't need eat MSG, he added some carrot to add into the sweetness. Hehex, how caring can he be?

Thanks fatty for making the effort to cook for me. And you actually went to buy the warm bottle for me. I felt the love and it's much appreciated <3

15th October

After work went to Alohaaaaa ~
Meet fatty & down to chalet! WOOHOO~
So long never go chalet. As in, stay overnight!
I'm becoming naughty girl. but no choice loh! Growing older must misbehave abit de.. :x

Anyway, was Liping's & zz's bday. Had BBQ and her 21st bday celebration. I was thinking how am I going to celebrate it? Or just normal bday celebration? Ahhh, don't think so much. When it's coming, I'll know what to do beh? :b

Suspposingly, wanted to go night cycling with them or maybe with fatty. BUT he was sleeping like a dead log. Where got time ?! TSK ! End up, we slept for the whole night. Morning checked out & cabbed home.

Worried of what will I be after I reached home. HENG AHHHH! Ni mama, wo, nth happened. LOLOL :x

Went to find fatty again! Lunch at KFC then to JP watch movie! 'The thing'. Rather a disgusting movie loh. I also dk why I said I wanted to watch that!! -,-'"

Okay! Done with updating. Going to eat some qing tang! mama boiled it. Unbelievable!! :b

P.s; I miss my fatty ;>

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