Friday, April 01, 2011


Hi, it has been a week since I'm back to blog. haha, busy ahhhhh ~~~

Anyway, for the past few days, I've been rotting & playing & working with boyf & friends ;D

Oh ya, last friday{25th} boyf got a damn last min Guards duty on Sat. But boyf came back Jurong on Fri & we went to watch movie - world invasion, with his bro & frens & campmate. thou I don't watch war show but this is damn thrilling & exciting. hehe, worth watching :D Boyf also bought Nachossss for me as lunch !! Hungry max loh.. After which, lai lai for dinner & he back to his camp! :(((((

Sat, I didn't meet him as he was doing his guards duty. Rotting at home whole day but I managed to find Joyce out in the evening for a run ard my hse area. Not too bad, I'm still able to run constantly without stopping. *Clapsssss* :D

Sunday, boyf came to find me after his duty. Afternoon was damn bored & hungry so asked brother to buy snacks back from 7-11 :p Slack and dinner at home~ :) Boyf went home ard 8plus ): Stupid him. Tsk!

Monday, working day at Istana with poon ah leng!! WOOOOLALA ~ Nervous & excited. Served the VIPs and I got the chance to see the President. HAHAHA !! xP Work ended after 11pm (:

Tuesday, went to find boyf for dinner at Pasir Ris. He told me he was booking out at 6.30pm but I saw him was at 9.15pm !! I was like an IDIOT walking at White Sand rd & rd. DAMN HIM !! He of course need to compensation to me lah ~ So HK CAFE for dinner !! lalala~ :b

Wednesday, ANNIVERSARY DAY !! But we didn't celebrate on that actual day but the very next day (: Boyf had some army event in the morning. He came after his kuku event ard... 4plus. Dinner at home & off to meet frens to work at IMM; Daiso. As a stock taker :D Boyf is so kind & loving enough that he actually ton with me thoughout the night. I'm not sure if he really ton but I can sense he's not faking. LOLOLOL !!

Work was not that scary but still feeling nervous ah. {If their workers were to check any mistake I've made, I'll be asked to stop work immediatly!! Scary not?} Luckily, I counted correctly :D & boyf fetched me from work. How caring is he uh? hehe, muacks !! (: Had mac for breakfast & sleep & prepared to go out loh ~~

Had Yuki Yaki for dinner. Walked to Esplande to enjoy the breeze & spammed photos using poon's camera ! xP Boyf sent me home & he alone travelled back to Pasir ris. My poor boy. ):

It's friday. And left with 2 more fucking days that I can see boyf before he really fly to Brunei );

So gonna to miss him like hell. Damn it! x,x

Alright, got to sleep now & hopefully I can wake up early to do my stuff before going to his hse again !! Gosh !! Adult ez-link card man ! >:

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