Monday, April 18, 2011

Yeahhhhhhhhhh, I'm hell bored now !! Early morning received boyf's msg. It has been 2days he msg-ed me ): And what I received was he injured his backbone. Wthhhhhhh )':

Anyway, I made some jelly this morning. Damn it, measurement wrong. But somehow, it's edible hor. hahahahhahahahahhahaha, so naiseee. But mama sae too milky? ~.~

Busy till now. Started my drama & I almost doze off. Go kitchen and be a rat. Ate this & that. hahahha! Cancelled my meeting with Nicole for flyers. Haizzzz, when am I gonna to find a job & work? ):

Off to drama & dinner soon (:

Waiting for this day to come. Woooolala ~

4days left !! ^,^v

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