Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I've been neglecting you since weeks. I've been using computer from the moment I stepped into my room. But I never click the web bar, www.blogger.com . HAHAHAH, so busy with my drama.
Most important is, I'M SO BORED NOW !!

The recent drama I've watched was the Laughing Sir. Hoho, he's the undercover. Sounds so excited. If years later & I got nothing to do, I'll watch back. :/ For now, I'm watching "man with no shadow" 不述之约。。。HongKong version of Death Note. O,O

Ok, off to watch my drama now. I'm sleeping early later !!! Boyfriend is not in camp today. He's at the jungle sleeping with the pig and insects for today and tmr night. Wahahahha.

But I miss you ):

3days to our 2yr 6mths.
4days to fat pig's bday.

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