Sunday, July 31, 2011

HAPPY 28th

Had a wonderrrrrrful night with bby! Went to meet bby at Plaza Sing to repair my hp. There goes my hp and I spent my night without hp :( No photo taken as well. S-A-D lahhh :(

After took hp for servicing , waited for zz and down to Lao Pa Sat for our early dinner :D Satays, Sotongs, Lala, stingrey and claypot toufu !! Yummmmy ~ Photos not uploaded yet.

Zz left and bby sae go Marine walk walk. So back to DG again! The only to reach Marine. & see fireworks as well. Hehex! Walked one big round just to reach Singapore flyer.

Bby wanted to go washroom. So I waited and sat outside, facing the washroom. Took him damn long lah. Thought he was doing some BIGGGG business loh!! -,- He popped out behind me. And he told me he walked one big rd. Wth, I really believed him. Explored Sg flyer surrounding... until we walked past flyer entrance !! I pulled him back. There he took out 2tickets and showed it to the person-in-charge. I thought what musuem loh. Bby told me fren gave him the tic.

I KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING UNTIL I SAW THE TICKETS!! DAMN HIM LAHHHH ~ I thought I was dreaming while quequing up... :b

Conclusion ley ... I ENJOYED IT MANY MANY MANY !!! :D
Love you :*

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