Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hello world ~ Been weeks I've never update my blog. So dead. So dry. Yar ? Hmm.. Everyday is changing & I need to adapt it quickly. Hais, I don't wanna anything to change. So not used to it!! ): Life 's sucks? hahahahha, crap !!

Ok, back to topic. I've been working at Salon with Nicole for 2weeks plus. FUN !! TIme really flies FAST!! Made some new friends too~ hehehe. Ended my flyers job too. Coz I got myself a admin job!! lalalalala ~

This job makes me nervous , seriously !!
Firstly, I'm totally a cai niao !
Secondly, I'm alone with no friend thou I know I'll make frens.
Thirdly, I'm afraid that I'll make many many mistakes till the boss bth me & fire me ):


Chilllll, today my last day to rest and sleep and play. Starting from tomorrow , working adult . No fail. Plssss (:

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